The taco is the perfect food. All nutritionist will tell you to eat a well balanced variety of foods and use the food pyramid as a guide. Even the United States Government agrees with that.

To refresh your memory, the food pyramid starts wide at the bottom with grains, then next is nearly equal parts of veggies and fruit, then meat and dairy and at the pointed top, a sparing amount of oil and sweets.
The taco is all of these.
-The shell is coarse ground corn taking care of your body’s need for grain products. Better still, it’s “whole grain”.
-Tomatoes are really a fruit and lettuce is the vegetable, and a good source of "ruffage" which everyone will tell you to have in your diet.
-Of course meat is meat and cheese is obviously dairy. Even if it's goat cheese.
-Tasty ground meat will always have a little fat or oil. With properly drained meat, a little fat is what you should get.

There you go, the perfect food. Except for the sweet, so you can complete your meal with a Mexican praline or one of those little green and white mints.
Next time you munching down a taco, feel good about yourself. You're living healthy!

To refresh your memory, the food pyramid starts wide at the bottom with grains, then next is nearly equal parts of veggies and fruit, then meat and dairy and at the pointed top, a sparing amount of oil and sweets.
The taco is all of these.
-The shell is coarse ground corn taking care of your body’s need for grain products. Better still, it’s “whole grain”.
-Tomatoes are really a fruit and lettuce is the vegetable, and a good source of "ruffage" which everyone will tell you to have in your diet.
-Of course meat is meat and cheese is obviously dairy. Even if it's goat cheese.
-Tasty ground meat will always have a little fat or oil. With properly drained meat, a little fat is what you should get.

There you go, the perfect food. Except for the sweet, so you can complete your meal with a Mexican praline or one of those little green and white mints.
Next time you munching down a taco, feel good about yourself. You're living healthy!